diff --git a/modules/CarConfig/environment.config b/modules/CarConfig/kalman.config
similarity index 63%
rename from modules/CarConfig/environment.config
rename to modules/CarConfig/kalman.config
index 9ee0d91d01dfc35bc4b7bcb70f095a527abc65e3..42850675df900bcc09d9aac6ce4f50bbd1cfcbed 100644
--- a/modules/CarConfig/environment.config
+++ b/modules/CarConfig/kalman.config
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 // Numbers on name representing indicies
 // current car state
-x1: 0
-x2: 0
+x 2 1
 // covariance matrix
-p11: 10
-p22: 10
+P 2 2
+10 0
+0 10
 // dynamic model
-f11: 1
-f12: 0.001
-f21: 0
-f22: 1
 // process error
-q11: 1
-q22: 1
+Q 2 2
+1 0
+0 1
 // measure vector
-h1: 1
-h2: 0
+H 2 1
 // measurement error
-r: 5
+R 1 1
diff --git a/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/Environment.h b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/Environment.h
index c869343c35a1f44b2a295c205fa19150b55e1db6..555eecbd66cf8822ed83f54d120bac7f7cbbd859 100644
--- a/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/Environment.h
+++ b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/Environment.h
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ public:
     ros::NodeHandle nh_;
     std::string name_;
-    void readConfigFile();
     float distance;
     float relativeSpeed;
@@ -38,16 +37,7 @@ private:
     void ussDataCallback(const ussDataMsg::ConstPtr & inMsg);
     void camDataCallback(const camDataMsg::ConstPtr & inMsg);
-    //Notation like in Kalamanfilter <Wikipedia>
-    vector<double> x {2};          // current state (distance, velocity)^T
-    matrix<double> P {2, 2};       // covariance matrix
-    matrix<double> F {2, 2};       // dynamic model
-    matrix<double> Q {2, 2};       // process error
-    vector<double> H {2};          // mesure vector (refers to distance)
-    vector<double> R {1};          // measurement error
-    void predict();
-    void update(vector<double> mesVec);
diff --git a/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/KalmanFilter.h b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/KalmanFilter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e9bd1c5389e38cfa74777f13b11a6b5c63dd1a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/include/environment/KalmanFilter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
+namespace car
+class KalmanFilter
+    KalmanFilter(vector<double> x, matrix<double> P, matrix<double> F, matrix<double> Q, vector<double> H, vector<double> R, double *deltaT);
+    KalmanFilter(int dimension, matrix<double> F, double *deltaT, std::string configFilePath);
+    ~KalmanFilter();
+    vector<double> nextKalmanIteration(vector <double> mesVec);
+    //Notation like in Kalamanfilter <Wikipedia>
+    vector<double> x;           // current state (distance, velocity)^T
+    matrix<double> P;           // covariance matrix
+    matrix<double> F;           // dynamic model
+    matrix<double> Q;           // process error
+    vector<double> H;           // mesure vector (refers to distance)
+    vector<double> R;           // measurement error
+    double *dt;                 // delta t
+    void readConfigFile(std::string configFilePath);
+    std::vector<std::string> getNextFileLine(std::ifstream file);
+    void predict();
+    void update(vector<double> mesVec);
diff --git a/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/Environment.cpp b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/Environment.cpp
index 7fb8a84c5386518fd0c0104b94c2ad10c4fd6acb..4e9547ea998c70a43e00cb7955bca34f1caefc5b 100644
--- a/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/Environment.cpp
+++ b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/Environment.cpp
@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@
 #include "car/environmentDataMsg.h"
 #include "car/ussDataMsg.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iterator>
 PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(car::Environment, nodelet::Nodelet);
 namespace car
@@ -34,69 +30,6 @@ Environment::Environment() :
 Environment::~Environment() {}
-void Environment::readConfigFile()
-    // open config file
-    std::string userHome = getenv("HOME");
-    std::ifstream configFile;
-    configFile.open(userHome + "/CarConfig/environment.config", std::ifstream::in);
-    if (!configFile.is_open()) { throw FileNotFound(); }
-    // desired parameters
-    // read file
-    std::string contentLine;
-    while (!configFile.eof())
-    {
-        std::getline(configFile, contentLine);
-        // split this line
-        std::istringstream iss(contentLine);
-        std::vector<std::string> words {std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss), {} };
-        if ( words.size() > 1 ) // this line contains parameter[at (0)] and value [at (1)]
-        {
-            if (words.at(0) == "x1:") {
-                x(0) = std::stod(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "x2:"){
-                x(1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "p11:"){
-                P(0, 0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "p12:"){
-                P(0,1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "p21:"){
-                P(1,0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "p22:"){
-                P(1,1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "f11:"){
-                F(0,0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "f12:"){
-                F(0,1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "f21:"){
-                F(1,0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "f22:"){
-                F(1,1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "q11:"){
-                Q(0,0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "q12:"){
-                Q(0,1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "q21:"){
-                Q(1,0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "q22:"){
-                Q(1,1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "h1:"){
-                H(0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "h2:"){
-                H(1) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            } else if (words.at(0) == "r:"){
-                R(0) = std::stof(words.at(1));
-            }       
-        }
-    }
-    configFile.close();
-    return;
 void Environment::onInit()
     NODELET_INFO("Environment::onInit -- START");
diff --git a/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/KalmanFilter.cpp b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/KalmanFilter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..278e356c83b92a5c7d25d1742ae5312a1205ea5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/catkin_ws/src/car/src/environment/KalmanFilter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "environment/KalmanFilter.h"
+#include <iterator>
+namespace car
+KalmanFilter::KalmanFilter(vector<double> x, matrix<double> P, matrix<double> F, matrix<double> Q, vector<double> H, vector<double> R, double *deltaT)
+    : x(x)
+    , P(P)
+    , F(F)
+    , Q(Q)
+    , H(H)
+    , R(R)
+    , dt(deltaT)
+    {}
+KalmanFilter::KalmanFilter(int dimension, matrix<double> F, double *deltaT, std::string configFilePath)
+    : x(dimension)
+    , P(dimension, dimension)
+    , F(F)
+    , Q(dimension, dimension)
+    , H(dimension)
+    , R(dimension)
+    , dt(deltaT)
+    {
+        readConfigFile(configFilePath);
+    }
+KalmanFilter::~KalmanFilter() {}
+KalmanFilter::getNextFileLine(std::ifstream file)
+    // read a line
+    std::string contentLine;
+    std::getline(file, contentLine);
+    // split this line
+    std::istringstream iss(contentLine);
+    std::vector<std::string> words {std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss), {} };
+    return words;
+KalmanFilter::readConfigFile(std::string configFilePath)
+    // open config file
+    std::string userHome = getenv("HOME");
+    std::ifstream configFile;
+    configFile.open(configFileLocation, std::ifstream::in);
+    if (!configFile.is_open()) { throw FileNotFound(); }
+    // read file
+    std::vector<std::string> words;
+    while (!configFile.eof())
+    {
+        words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
+        if ( words.size() == 3 ) // this line contains parameter[at (0)] and value [at (1)]
+        {
+            if ( words.at(0) == "//") { continue; }
+            int rows = std::stoi(words.at(1));
+            int cols = std::stoi(words.at(2));
+            int i = 0;
+            int j = 0;
+            if (words.at(0) == "x") {
+                while ( i < rows )
+                {
+                    words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
+                    x(i) = std::stod(words.at(0));
+                }
+            } else if (words.at(0) == "P"){
+                while ( i < rows )
+                {
+                    words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
+                    while ( j < cols )
+                    {
+                        P(i, j) = std::stod(words.at(j));
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (words.at(0) == "Q"){
+                while ( i < rows )
+                {
+                    words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
+                    while ( j < cols )
+                    {
+                        Q(i, j) = std::stod(words.at(j));
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (words.at(0) == "H"){
+                while ( i < rows )
+                {
+                    words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
+                    H(i) = std::stod(words.at(0));
+                }
+            } else if (words.at(0) == "R"){
+                while ( i < rows )
+                {
+                    words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
+                    x(i) = std::stod(words.at(j));
+                }
+            }       
+        }
+    }
+    configFile.close();
+    return;
+    // x = F*x
+    // P = (F * P * F.T) + Q
+KalmanFilter::update(vector<double> mesVec){
+    // Innovation
+    // y = mesVec.T, - H * x
+    // Residualkovarianz
+    // S = H * P * H.T + R
+    // Kalman - Gain
+    // K = P * H.T * S**(-1)
+    // update the predecited values
+    // x = x + K * y
+    // P = P - K * S * K.T
+KalmanFilter::nextKalmanIteration(vector <double> mesVec)
+    update(mesVec);
+    predict();
+    return x;