// // Created by philipp on 12.02.18. // #ifndef CAR_PLATOONCONTROLLER_H #define CAR_PLATOONCONTROLLER_H #include <functional> #include "PlatoonProtocolLib/VehicleFacade.h" #include "PlatoonProtocolLib/Protocol.h" #include "PC2CarLib/CommandReceiver.h" #include "EgoMotion.h" #include "PlatoonState.h" #include <atomic> #include <chrono> namespace car { class PlatoonController { public: using Callback = std::function<void()>; PlatoonController(platoonProtocol::VehicleFacade & c2c, pc2car::CommandReceiver::Ptr pc, EgoMotion & egoMotion); void run(); Callback cruiseControllerNotify; // TODO make values ATOMIC ! // these value need to be stored and atomic, since they will be pulled from other modules PlatoonState curState = PlatoonState::ACC; platoonProtocol::PlatoonConfig platoonConfig; // TODO needs to be removed, once C2C returns TimedValues private: platoonProtocol::VehicleFacade & c2c; pc2car::CommandReceiver::Ptr pc; EgoMotion & egoMotion; bool c2cAlive = false; // void updateC2cConfig(); // once C2C returns TimedValues void updatePcConfig(); networking::time::TimedValue<platoonProtocol::PlatoonSpeed> PS{0.0f}; networking::time::TimedValue<platoonProtocol::InnerPlatoonDistance> IPD{0.0f}; void updateDesSpeed(); networking::time::TimedValue<float> desSpeed{0.0f}; void setupC2C(); // METHODS void run_ACC(); void run_CACC_FV(); void run_CACC_LV(); }; } #endif //CAR_PLATOONCONTROLLER_H