#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <ykdef.h> #include <ykcore.h> #include <yubikey.h> #include "ykpers.h" #define REQ_RESPONSE_LENGTH 64 static int configure_cfg(YKP_CONFIG *cfg, YK_STATUS *st, char *server_key, int slot) { // Generate Config ykp_configure_version(cfg, st); if(!ykp_configure_command(cfg, ((slot == 1) ? SLOT_CONFIG : SLOT_CONFIG2))) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't configure command"); return false; } if(!ykp_set_tktflag_CHAL_RESP(cfg, true)) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't set CHAL_RESP flag"); return false; } if(!ykp_set_cfgflag_CHAL_HMAC(cfg, true)) { fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't set CHAL_HMAC flag"); return false; } int res = ykp_HMAC_key_from_raw(cfg, server_key); if (res) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad HMAC key"); return false; } size_t key_bytes = (size_t)ykp_get_supported_key_length(cfg); if(key_bytes != 20) { fprintf(stderr,"Yubikey doesn't support HMAC Challenge"); return false; } return true; } int challenge_response(YK_KEY *yk, int slot, bool may_block, unsigned int challenge_len, const unsigned char *challenge, unsigned char *response, int verbosity) { if (verbosity > 6) { fprintf(stdout, "Sending %i bytes HMAC challenge to slot %i\n", challenge_len, slot); } int yk_cmd = (slot == 1) ? SLOT_CHAL_HMAC1 : SLOT_CHAL_HMAC2; if(! yk_challenge_response(yk, yk_cmd, may_block, challenge_len, challenge, REQ_RESPONSE_LENGTH, response)) { return false; } if(verbosity > 6) { unsigned char output_buf[(SHA1_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE * 2) + 1] = { 0 }; yubikey_hex_encode((char *)output_buf, (char *)response, 20); printf("%s\n", output_buf); } return true; } int key_init(YK_KEY **yk, YK_STATUS *st) { if (!yk_init()) { return false; } if (!(*yk = yk_open_first_key())) { return false; } if (!yk_get_status(*yk, st)) { return false; } if (!(yk_check_firmware_version2(st))) { return false; } return true; } int import_server_key(YK_KEY *yk, YK_STATUS *st, char *server_key, char *acc_code_hex, int verbosity, int slot) { YKP_CONFIG *cfg = ykp_alloc(); char data[1024] = {0}; unsigned char *access_code = NULL; int exit_code = OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_ERROR; configure_cfg(cfg, st, server_key, slot); if(verbosity > 6) { ykp_export_config(cfg, data, 1024, YKP_FORMAT_LEGACY); fwrite(data, 1, strlen(data), stdout); } if (acc_code_hex) { if(!yubikey_hex_p(acc_code_hex)) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid access code string: %s\n", acc_code_hex); goto import_err; } unsigned int access_code_len = strlen(acc_code_hex) / 2; access_code = calloc(access_code_len, sizeof(unsigned char)); yubikey_hex_decode(access_code, acc_code_hex, access_code_len); ykp_set_access_code(cfg, access_code, access_code_len); } // Apply Config YK_CONFIG *ycfg = NULL; ycfg = ykp_core_config(cfg); if (!yk_write_command(yk, ycfg, ykp_command(cfg), acc_code_hex ? access_code : NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed writing server key to YubiKey\n"); goto import_err; } if(verbosity > 3) { puts("Successfully wrote server key to YubiKey"); } exit_code = OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_SUCCESS; import_err: if (cfg) ykp_free_config(cfg); free(access_code); return exit_code; }