• Dmitri Tikhonov's avatar
    Release 2.16.1 · 8ae5ecb4
    Dmitri Tikhonov authored
    - [FEATURE] Use "no-progress timeout" after which connection is closed.
    - [BUGFIX] Select new SCID when current SCID is retired.
    - [BUGFIX] Don't warn about dropped Initial packet sequence gaps during
      mini/full handoff.
    - [BUGFIX] Send correct conn error when HTTP/3 frame is truncated.
    - [BUGFIX] Mini conn: consider amplification when deciding to return
    - [BUGFIX] Don't double-count tag length in amplification logic.
    - [BUGFIX] Don't squeeze out lone path challenges.
    - [BUGFIX] Log messages dealing with scheduled packet queue squeezing.
    - [BUGFIX] don't wipe current path if no path challenge responses
      come back.
    - [BUGFIX] When path is reset, don't lose path_id which is used for
    - Downgrade flow control violations to info log level from warnings.
    - Fix connection cap extra check, avoid checks in nested calls.
    - Fix some unit tests when extra checks are enabled.
    - Use ls-hpack 2.2.1.
    - Turn off unconditional extra checks for IETF clients.
    - Extra checks: don't verify sent size of hello packets.  Client
      changes DCID length and this check will fail.