From fc4425ee9dd7f1f0a76a382191f825acfb5c3d2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Christoph <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 18:14:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Replace

 .../scripts/          | 110 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Simulation/location_monitor/scripts/ b/Simulation/location_monitor/scripts/
index 99303c0..44bf840 100644
--- a/Simulation/location_monitor/scripts/
+++ b/Simulation/location_monitor/scripts/
@@ -17,6 +17,17 @@ now =
 current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
 logtime = str(current_time) + "_log.txt"
 f = open(logtime,"w+")
+# y
+# ^
+# |
+# |  -------          Box muss im rechtem Winkel zur x-Achse sein!
+# |  |     |
+# |  |     |
+# |  -------
+# |
+# ---------------->x
 class Block:
     def __init__(self, name, relative_entity_name, radius):
@@ -51,10 +62,6 @@ class Tutorial:
            self._blockListDict.update( {s : Block(model , 'link' , rad)})
            i = i+1
             global f 
             global WriteFlag
@@ -115,45 +122,38 @@ def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
 def boxkdetection(size, botx, boty, l_x, l_y, simtime):
  global f
  global WriteFlag
- if (size*2.0) > 111:
-   print("Box to big, > 0.5")
+ if (size*2.0) > 5.0:
+   print("Box to big, > 5m")
    if WriteFlag == 0:
-      f.write("[T:" + str(simtime) + "] " + "Box Invalid (size > 0.5)" + "\n")
+      f.write("[T:" + str(simtime) + "] " + "Box Invalid (size > 5m)" + "\n")
   #print("SIZEBOX" + str(size))
-  cornerdist = (size)/math.sin(math.radians(45))
-  safedist = TurtlebotBurger
-  safedist2 = float(size) + TurtlebotBurger + 0.02
+  #cornerdist = (size)/math.sin(math.radians(45))
+  safedist = TurtlebotBurger + 0.05
+  #safedist2 = float(size) + TurtlebotBurger + 0.02
   if WriteFlag == 0:
      f.write("Safedist.: " + str(safedist) + "\n")
   #print("Safe " + str(safedist))
   #print("Safe2 " + str(safedist2))
-  xUpR = l_x + cornerdist*math.cos(math.radians(45))
-  yUpR = l_y + cornerdist*math.sin(math.radians(45))
-  dist1 = distance(botx, boty, xUpR, yUpR)
-  xUpL = l_x + cornerdist * math.cos(math.radians(135))
-  yUpL = l_y + cornerdist * math.sin(math.radians(135))
-  dist2 = distance(botx, boty, xUpL, yUpL)
+  #xUpR = l_x + cornerdist*math.cos(math.radians(45))
+  #yUpR = l_y + cornerdist*math.sin(math.radians(45))
+  #dist1 = distance(botx, boty, xUpR, yUpR)
-  xLoL = l_x + cornerdist * math.cos(math.radians(225))
-  yLoL = l_y + cornerdist * math.sin(math.radians(225))
-  dist3 = distance(botx, boty, xLoL, yLoL)
-  xLoR = l_x + cornerdist * math.cos(math.radians(315))
-  yLoR = l_y + cornerdist * math.sin(math.radians(315))
-  dist4 = distance(botx, boty, xLoR, yLoR)
-  centerdist = distance(botx, boty, l_x, l_y)
+  #xUpL = l_x + cornerdist * math.cos(math.radians(135))
+  #yUpL = l_y + cornerdist * math.sin(math.radians(135))
+  #dist2 = distance(botx, boty, xUpL, yUpL)
+  #xLoL = l_x + cornerdist * math.cos(math.radians(225))
+  #yLoL = l_y + cornerdist * math.sin(math.radians(225))
+  #dist3 = distance(botx, boty, xLoL, yLoL)
+  #xLoR = l_x + cornerdist * math.cos(math.radians(315))
+  #yLoR = l_y + cornerdist * math.sin(math.radians(315))
+  #dist4 = distance(botx, boty, xLoR, yLoR)
+  #centerdist = distance(botx, boty, l_x, l_y)
   xR = l_x + size * math.cos(math.radians(0))
   yL = l_y + size * math.sin(math.radians(0))
@@ -161,28 +161,29 @@ def boxkdetection(size, botx, boty, l_x, l_y, simtime):
   lineB = ((l_x,l_y), (xR,yL))
   angle = angle_between(lineA,lineB)
+  disangle = angle
   angle1 = angle
   if angle > 45:
-      angle = 90 - angle;
-  print("Angle: " + str(angle))
-  dis = (size)/math.cos(math.radians(angle))
-  print("Dids: " + str(dis))
+      disangle = 90 - angle;
+  #print("Angle: " + str(disangle))
+  dis = (size)/math.cos(math.radians(disangle))
+  #print("Dist from center do edge: " + str(dis))
   if botx < l_x and boty > l_y:
-      angle1 = 180-angle
+      angle1 = 180 - angle
   if botx < l_x and boty < l_y:
-      angle1 = 270 - angle
+      angle1 = 180 + angle
   if botx > l_x and boty < l_y:
       angle1 = 360-angle
-  print("Angle1: " + str(angle1))
+  #print("Angle1: " + str(angle1))
   dynX = l_x + dis * math.cos(math.radians(angle1))
   dynY = l_y + dis * math.sin(math.radians(angle1))
+  #print("DynX : " + str(dynX))
+  #print("DynY : " + str(dynY))
   distult = distance(botx, boty, dynX, dynY)
-  #if WriteFlag == 0:
-     #f.write("[T:" + str(simtime) + "] " + "Dist. Box Corner 1: " + str(dist1) + "\n")
-  print(distult)
+  if WriteFlag == 0:
+     f.write("[T:" + str(simtime) + "] " + "Dist to collision point: " + str(distult) + "\n")
+  print("Dist to collision point: " + str(distult))
   if distult < safedist:
       if WriteFlag == 0:
@@ -191,16 +192,6 @@ def boxkdetection(size, botx, boty, l_x, l_y, simtime):
           WriteFlag = 1
-  distList = [dist2,dist3,dist4]
-  min_dist = dist1
-  coll = 0
-  for i in distList:
-      if i < min_dist:
-          min_dist = i
-          coll = distList.index(i) + 1
-  #print(coll)
 def slope(x1, y1, x2, y2): # Line slope given two points:
     return (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
@@ -215,21 +206,24 @@ def angle_between(lineA, lineB):
     ang = angle(slope1, slope2)
     if ang < 0:
         ang = ang *(-1.0)
-    #if ang > 45:
-     #   ang = 90 - ang;
     return ang
 def callback(msg):
+    global WriteFlag
     botx = msg.pose.pose.position.x
     boty = msg.pose.pose.position.y  
     print("BotX: " + str(botx))
     print("BotY: " + str(boty))
-    tuto = Tutorial()
-    tuto.show_gazebo_models(botx, boty)
+    if botx > 0 and boty > 0:
+       tuto = Tutorial()
+       tuto.show_gazebo_models(botx, boty)
+    else:
+        rospy.loginfo("Bot out of tracking Range!((x,y)<0)")
+        if WriteFlag == 0:
+            f.write("[T:" + str(simtime) + "] " + "Bot out of tracking Range!((x,y)<0)")
+            f.close
 def main():