<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Adapter configuration file. --> <!-- Path (relative path to Adapter.java location) and name value can be changed. --> <adapter> <input> <!-- Path to and name of feature model generated by Feature IDE. --> <featuremodel type="file" name="featuremodel.xml" path="./resources/output/" /> <!-- Path to and name of sensor configuration file. --> <sensorconfig type="file" name="sensorconfig.xml" path="./resources/input/" /> <!-- Path to all available .gazebo.xacro files. --> <gazebomodel type="directory" path="./../../sim/bot_description/" /> <!-- <gazebomodel type="directory" path="./resources/input/turtlebot3-master/turtlebot3_description/urdf/" /> --> </input> <output> <!-- Path to and name of the generated .gazebo.xacro file. --> <gazebomodel type="file" name="bot.gazebo.xacro" path="./../../../build/sim/" /> <!-- <gazebomodel type="directory" path="./resources/output/" /> --> <!-- Path to and name of the file stating the selected bots name. --> <botname type="file" name="botname.txt" path="./../../../build/sim/" /> </output> </adapter>