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Commit 701e8267 authored by Phuc Tran Truong's avatar Phuc Tran Truong
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add v model and software architecture

parent fb26f140
No related merge requests found

384 KiB

......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
\usepackage{verbatim} % makes multiline comments possible via \begin{comment}\end{comment}
\usepackage{ifthen, tikz, xstring, calc, pgfopts} % required for tikz-uml
%\geometry{scale = 0.5} %for class diagram???
......@@ -99,4 +99,20 @@ Assystem
\subsection{Aufbau des Dokuments}
% V Bild von Franz
\node[draw,circle,fill=gray,text=white,label=right:{3. Ausbaustufen und Abnahmetests}] (AS) at (0,0) {};
\node[draw,circle,fill=gray,text=white,label=right:{4. Use Cases}] (UC) at (1,-2) {};
\node[draw,circle,fill=gray,text=white,label={[align=left, left]5. Architektur und\\Integrationstests}] (Architektur) at (2,-4) {};
\node[draw,circle,fill=gray,text=white,label=right:{6. Modulspezifikation}] (ModSpez) at (4,-8) {};
\node[draw,circle,fill=gray,text=white,label=right:{7. Testauswertung, Integration}] (Test) at (6,-4) {};
\node[draw,circle,fill=gray,text=white,label=right:{8. Auswertung}] (Auswertung) at (8,0) {};
\draw[->,draw=blue] (AS) to (UC);
\draw[->,draw=blue] (UC) to (Architektur);
\draw[->,draw=blue] (Architektur) to (ModSpez);
\draw[->,draw=blue] (ModSpez) to (Test);
\draw[->,draw=blue] (Test) to (Auswertung);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- calc\_$v_P$($v_R$) : Integer\\
%- getEnvoirment() : (Integer, Integer)\\
%- getEnvironment() : (Integer, Integer)\\
%- getMavLink() : (Integer, Integer)\\
%- getCurseControl : Integer
} (EgoMotion)
......@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
- send\_PHM() : ?
\umlclass[scale = 0.5, xshift = -9cm, yshift = -20cm]
- USS-Data : Integer\\
+ $d_O$ : Interger\\
+ $d_O$ : Integer\\
+ $v_R$ : Integer\\
+ PlatoonPrevID : ?
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
\umlinherit [geometry=-| ,anchors= 0 and 250] {Camera}{Envoirment}
\umlinherit [geometry=-| ,anchors= 0 and 250] {Camera}{Environment}
\umlinherit [geometry=|- ,anchors= 90 and 180] {Camera}{Lane-Keeping}
\umlinherit [geometry=|- ,anchors= 90 and 25] {Cruise-Control}{MAV-Link}
\umlinherit [geometry=|- ,anchors= 217 and 50] {Cruise-Control}{Egomotion}
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
\umlinherit [geometry=|- ,anchors= -35 and 152] {Egomotion}{PlatoonController}
\umlinherit [geometry=-| ,anchors= 115 and 300] {Egomotion}{Lane-Keeping}
\umlinherit [geometry=-|] {Egomotion}{Logging}
\umlinherit [geometry=|-|,anchors=90 and 245] {Envoirment}{Egomotion}
\umlinherit [geometry=|-|,anchors=90 and 245] {Environment}{Egomotion}
\umlinherit [geometry=--] {Lane-Keeping}{MAV-Link}
\umlinherit [geometry=-| ,anchors= 300 and 115] {Lane-Keeping}{Egomotion}
\umlinherit [geometry=|- ,anchors= -55 and 222] {Logging}{Network}
......@@ -177,9 +177,13 @@
\umlinherit [geometry=|- ,anchors= 240 and 25] {PlatoonController}{Logging}
\umlinherit [geometry=-|, anchors= 300 and 85] {PlatoonController}{Network}
\umlinherit [geometry=-|, anchors= 85 and 300] {Network}{PlatoonController}
\umlinherit [geometry=-| ,anchors= 0 and 290] {Ultrasonic}{Envoirment}
\umlinherit [geometry=-| ,anchors= 0 and 290] {Ultrasonic}{Environment}
%tikz oder drawio
\ No newline at end of file
0% or .
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