Modify UC-diagram; Add missing UCs
Added 3 more use cases: - "UC - 80 Abstandhalten": It seemed weird that "UC - 70 Fahrbahn folgen" was considered a use case, but distance keeping was not represented in any use case. One could consider deleting both use cases. - "UC - 90 Kolonnendaten ändern" and "UC - 100 Geschwindigkeit ändern" where both added, since the their functionality should not be considered part of any other use case, but is essential to the project. Modified associations: - Removed PFV from "UC - 50 Kolonne verlassen", since no PFV takes action in this use case. - Removed FV from "UC - 40 Kolonne beitreten", since no FV takes action in this use case. - "UC - 10 Status ausgeben" now only has one connection to GV instead of one to LV, FV and PFV. Modified <<include>> and <<extend>> relations: - UC - 20 now extends UC - 40, since a platoon needs to be created if the first 2 operator want to platoon. - UC - 60 now extends UC - 50 for similar reasons. - UC - 20 now includes UC - 30. Added colour coding to the diagram, to group use cases: - blue <-> core platoon stuff - green <-> input and output of the operator - red <-> critical diving Changed name of "UC - 10"
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