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Commit 43d87f69 authored by Lukas Markeffsky's avatar Lukas Markeffsky
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add safety comments

parent 4fabf7f7
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use core::cell::Cell;
use core::hint;
use core::marker::PhantomPinned;
use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
......@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ pub trait Reclaim: Sized {
unsafe fn reclaim_shim<T: Reclaim>(erased_ptr: NonNull<Root<Erased>>) {
let ptr = erased_ptr.cast::<Root<T>>();
let root_ptr = erased_ptr.cast::<Root<T>>();
let value = unsafe { ptr::addr_of!((*(*ptr.as_ptr()).target.as_ptr()).value).read() };
// SAFETY: The caller guarantees that this value is initialized.
let value = unsafe { ptr::addr_of!((*(*root_ptr.as_ptr()).anchor.as_ptr()).value).read() };
let unclaimed = Unclaimed { ptr };
// SAFETY: The caller guarantees the state is "unclaimed".
let unclaimed = Unclaimed { root_ptr };
......@@ -33,17 +35,18 @@ const STATE_UNCLAIMED: usize = usize::MAX - 1;
const STATE_SHARED_MAX: usize = isize::MAX as usize;
const STATE_SHARED_INIT: usize = 0;
// Fixed layout is required so that the header is in the same place for all T.
pub struct Root<T> {
state: Cell<usize>,
reclaim_shim: unsafe fn(NonNull<Root<Erased>>),
_pin: PhantomPinned,
target: MaybeUninit<ProjectTarget<T>>,
anchor: MaybeUninit<ProjectAnchor<T>>,
impl<T> Drop for Root<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let state = self.state.get();
let state = *self.state.get_mut();
if state != STATE_UNPINNED {
struct Abort;
impl Drop for Abort {
......@@ -67,25 +70,33 @@ impl<T> Root<T> {
state: Cell::new(STATE_UNPINNED),
reclaim_shim: reclaim_shim::<T>,
_pin: PhantomPinned,
target: MaybeUninit::uninit(),
anchor: MaybeUninit::uninit(),
pub fn unclaimed(self: Pin<&mut Self>) -> Unclaimed<T> {
if self.state.get() != STATE_UNPINNED {
// SAFETY: We don't move out of this reference.
let root = unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut() };
let state = root.state.get_mut();
if *state != STATE_UNPINNED {
panic!("unclaimed called multiple times");
let ptr = unsafe { NonNull::from(self.get_unchecked_mut()) };
let ptr_erased = ptr.cast::<Root<Erased>>();
let root_ptr = NonNull::from(root);
let root_erased = root_ptr.cast::<Root<Erased>>();
// SAFETY: This is a partial write into a `MaybeUninit` behind a mutable reference.
unsafe {
let target_root = ptr::addr_of_mut!((*(*ptr.as_ptr()).target.as_mut_ptr()).root);
let anchor_root =
Unclaimed { ptr }
// SAFETY: The pointer is a pinned shared read-write borrow and we set the
// state to "unclaimed" above.
Unclaimed { root_ptr }
......@@ -95,21 +106,22 @@ impl<T: Reclaim> Default for Root<T> {
pub struct ProjectTarget<T: ?Sized> {
root: Cell<Option<NonNull<Root<Erased>>>>,
pub struct ProjectAnchor<T: ?Sized> {
// pinned shared read-write borrow
root_ptr: Cell<Option<NonNull<Root<Erased>>>>,
value: T,
impl<T> ProjectTarget<T> {
impl<T> ProjectAnchor<T> {
pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
Self {
root: Cell::new(None),
root_ptr: Cell::new(None),
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for ProjectTarget<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for ProjectAnchor<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
......@@ -117,7 +129,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for ProjectTarget<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for ProjectTarget<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for ProjectAnchor<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut self.value
......@@ -125,87 +137,106 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for ProjectTarget<T> {
pub struct Unclaimed<T> {
ptr: NonNull<Root<T>>,
// pinned shared read-write borrow
root_ptr: NonNull<Root<T>>,
impl<T> Drop for Unclaimed<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
debug_assert_eq!((*self.ptr.as_ptr()).state.get(), STATE_UNCLAIMED);
// SAFETY: The pointer is a pinned shared read-write borrow and we don't
// move out of it.
let root = unsafe { self.root_ptr.as_mut() };
let state = root.state.get_mut();
debug_assert_eq!(*state, STATE_UNCLAIMED);
impl<T> Unclaimed<T> {
pub fn claim(self, value: T) -> Xrc<T> {
unsafe {
debug_assert_eq!((*self.ptr.as_ptr()).state.get(), STATE_UNCLAIMED);
pub fn claim(mut self, value: T) -> Xrc<T> {
// SAFETY: The pointer is a pinned shared read-write borrow and we don't
// move out of it.
let root = unsafe { self.root_ptr.as_mut() };
let state = root.state.get_mut();
debug_assert_eq!(*state, STATE_UNCLAIMED);
// SAFETY: This is a partial write into a `MaybeUninit` behind a mutable reference.
unsafe {
let target_value = ptr::addr_of_mut!((*(*self.ptr.as_ptr()).target.as_mut_ptr()).value);
let anchor_value = ptr::addr_of_mut!((*root.anchor.as_mut_ptr()).value);
// shared read-only reborrow
let target = unsafe { (*self.ptr.as_ptr()).target.assume_init_ref() };
let ptr = NonNull::from(target);
// SAFETY: `root.anchor` is fully initialized, because we initialized
// `.root_ptr` in `Root::unclaimed` and `.value` above.
// Note that we intentionally create a shared read-only borrow here,
// because `Xrc` must work with read-only borrows.
let anchor = unsafe { root.anchor.assume_init_ref() };
let anchor_ptr = NonNull::from(anchor);
Xrc { ptr }
// * The pointer is a shared read-only borrow.
// * We set the state to "shared" above.
// * The `anchor` is derived from `root`, `root` is derived from
// `self.root_ptr` and `anchor.root_ptr` is `Some` and equal to
// `self.root_ptr`, because we set it up that way in `Root::unclaimed`.
// Therefore, `anchor` is derived from `anchor.root_ptr`.
// Because we don't do any (non-interior) mutable accesses of
// the root after this point, the anchor will remain valid.
Xrc { anchor_ptr }
pub struct Xrc<T: ?Sized> {
ptr: NonNull<ProjectTarget<T>>,
// shared read-only borrow that outlives `anchor.root_ptr`, which must be `Some`
// Note that `anchor_ptr` may be derived from `anchor.root_ptr` with an equal
// lifetime, which means that we can only write to interior mutable parts of the
// root, because otherwise the anchor may get invalidated.
anchor_ptr: NonNull<ProjectAnchor<T>>,
impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for Xrc<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let Some(root) = Self::inner(self).root.get() else {
debug_assert!(false, "missing root");
unsafe {
let root_header = Self::root_header(self);
let state_ref = unsafe { &(*root.as_ptr()).state };
let state = state_ref.get();
let state = root_header.state.get();
debug_assert!(state <= STATE_SHARED_MAX);
if state != STATE_SHARED_INIT {
state_ref.set(state - 1);
root_header.state.set(state - 1);
let reclaim_shim = unsafe { (*root.as_ptr()).reclaim_shim };
let reclaim_shim = root_header.reclaim_shim;
let root_erased = Self::root_ptr(self);
// * We checked that there are no other `Xrc`s pointing to the same data.
// * We set the state to "unclaimed" and the old value is still in place.
unsafe {
impl<T> Clone for Xrc<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
let root = Self::inner(self).root.get();
let Some(root) = root else {
debug_assert!(false, "missing root");
unsafe {
let root = Self::root_header(self);
let state_ref = unsafe { &(*root.as_ptr()).state };
let state = state_ref.get();
let state = root.state.get();
debug_assert!(state <= STATE_SHARED_MAX);
if state == STATE_SHARED_MAX {
panic!("ref count overflow");
state_ref.set(state + 1);
root.state.set(state + 1);
Self { ptr: self.ptr }
// SAFETY: We increased the reference count above.
Self {
anchor_ptr: self.anchor_ptr,
......@@ -213,7 +244,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Xrc<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
......@@ -221,33 +252,56 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Xrc<T> {
pub fn project<U, F>(this: Self, f: F) -> Xrc<U>
U: ?Sized,
F: FnOnce(&ProjectTarget<T>) -> &ProjectTarget<U>,
F: FnOnce(&ProjectAnchor<T>) -> &ProjectAnchor<U>,
let source = Self::inner(&this);
let Some(source_root) = source.root.get() else {
debug_assert!(false, "missing root");
unsafe {
let source = Self::anchor(&this);
let target = f(source);
if let Some(target_root) = target.root.get() {
let source_root = Self::root_ptr(&this);
if let Some(target_root) = target.root_ptr.get() {
if target_root != source_root {
panic!("projected from different roots");
} else {
let ptr = NonNull::from(target);
let anchor_ptr = NonNull::from(target);
Xrc { ptr }
// * We ensure that `target.root_ptr == source.root_ptr` above.
// * Because `source.root_ptr` is `Some`, `target.root_ptr` is also `Some`.
// * The higher-ranked lifetime bound on the closure ensures that `target`
// outlives `source`, which outlives `source.root_ptr`.
// Therefore, `target` also outlives `target.root_ptr`.
// * We forget `self` above, so the reference count is unchanged.
Xrc { anchor_ptr }
fn anchor(this: &Self) -> &ProjectAnchor<T> {
// SAFETY: The pointer is a shared read-write borrow.
unsafe { this.anchor_ptr.as_ref() }
/// Returns a read-write pointer to the root with full provenance.
fn root_ptr(this: &Self) -> NonNull<Root<Erased>> {
let root_ptr = Self::anchor(this).root_ptr.get();
// SAFETY: The root pointer must be set to `Some` before this
// `Xrc` is constructed.
unsafe { root_ptr.unwrap_unchecked() }
fn inner(this: &Self) -> &ProjectTarget<T> {
unsafe { this.ptr.as_ref() }
/// Returns a read-only reborrow of the erased root.
fn root_header(this: &Self) -> &Root<Erased> {
// SAFETY: We can derive a new shared read-only borrow without invalidating
// other derived shared read-only borrows, including the anchor pointer.
// Because `Root<T>` has a fixed layout, `T` is at the end, and `Erased`
// is a zero-sized type with alignment 1, we can reinterpret `Root<T>`
// as `Root<Erased>`.
unsafe { Self::root_ptr(this).as_ref() }
......@@ -264,6 +318,7 @@ mod tests {
use std::rc::Rc;
fn iter_pinned_mut<T>(slice: Pin<&mut [T]>) -> impl Iterator<Item = Pin<&mut T>> {
// SAFETY: The elements of a slice are structurally pinned.
unsafe {
......@@ -370,13 +425,13 @@ mod tests {
fn project() {
struct Value {
a: i32,
b: ProjectTarget<i32>,
b: ProjectAnchor<i32>,
let root = pin!(Root::new());
let xrc = root.unclaimed().claim(NoReclaim(Value {
a: 1,
b: ProjectTarget::new(2),
b: ProjectAnchor::new(2),
assert_eq!(xrc.0.a, 1);
assert_eq!(*xrc.0.b, 2);
......@@ -397,13 +452,13 @@ mod tests {
#[should_panic = "projected from different roots"]
fn project_multiple() {
let target = Rc::new(ProjectTarget::new(0));
let anchor = Rc::new(ProjectAnchor::new(0));
let root1 = pin!(Root::new());
let xrc1 = root1.unclaimed().claim(NoReclaim(target.clone()));
let xrc1 = root1.unclaimed().claim(NoReclaim(anchor.clone()));
let root2 = pin!(Root::new());
let xrc2 = root2.unclaimed().claim(NoReclaim(target));
let xrc2 = root2.unclaimed().claim(NoReclaim(anchor));
let _ = Xrc::project(xrc1, |xrc| &*xrc.0);
let _ = Xrc::project(xrc2, |xrc| &*xrc.0);
......@@ -450,8 +505,8 @@ mod tests {
struct Value {
number: ProjectTarget<i32>,
string: ProjectTarget<String>,
number: ProjectAnchor<i32>,
string: ProjectAnchor<String>,
......@@ -466,8 +521,8 @@ mod tests {
let mut values = Vec::new();
for n in 0..8 {
let value = Value {
number: ProjectTarget::new(n),
string: ProjectTarget::new(n.to_string()),
number: ProjectAnchor::new(n),
string: ProjectAnchor::new(n.to_string()),
let xrc = alloc.try_alloc(value).ok().unwrap();
......@@ -490,8 +545,8 @@ mod tests {
let value = Value {
number: ProjectTarget::new(0),
string: ProjectTarget::new(String::new()),
number: ProjectAnchor::new(0),
string: ProjectAnchor::new(String::new()),
let value = alloc.try_alloc(value).err().unwrap();
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