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Commit 2829d1b0 authored by Noel Dan Le's avatar Noel Dan Le
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Added tikz-uml command to use cars as actors

parent 0a965eee
No related merge requests found

3.69 KiB

......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
\usepackage{tabularx} % used for better table formatting see:
\usepackage{graphicx} % Bilder, Fotos
\usepackage{subfiles} % split doc into multiple .tex subfiles
\usepackage{graphicx} % Bilder, Fotos
\usepackage{subfiles} % split doc into multiple .tex subfiles
\graphicspath{ {./img/} }
\usepackage{float} % used to allow the [H] option for tables, etc.
\usepackage{verbatim} % makes multiline comments possible via \begin{comment}\end{comment}
\usepackage{verbatim} % makes multiline comments possible via \begin{comment}\end{comment}
\usepackage{ifthen, tikz, xstring, calc, pgfopts} % required for tikz-uml
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
%%% DOCUMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
......@@ -76,6 +76,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
......@@ -201,6 +201,6 @@
%tikz oder drawio
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
\umlusecase[x=3, y=-17, width=34mm, fill=green!30]{\nameref{UC:changeSpeed}}
\umlactor[x=0, y=-10]{Operator}
\umlactor[x=14, y=-10]{LV}
\umlactor[x=14, y=-5]{FV}
\umlactor[x=14, y=-15]{PFV}
\umlactor[x=14, y=1]{GV}
\umlactor[x=0, y=-11]{Operator}
\umlcar[x=15, y=-10]{LV}
\umlcar[x=15, y=-5]{FV}
\umlcar[x=15, y=-15]{PFV}
\umlcar[x=15, y=1]{GV}
......@@ -2790,6 +2790,84 @@
% copy and paste of the above section in order to replace the actor symbol with a car picture
% define the actor symbol
% optional : global tikzpicture styles
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/picactor/.cd, scale/.initial=1, .unknown/.code={}}%
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/picactor/.cd, scale/.get=\tikzumlPicturedActorScale}%
\node at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=3em]{img/Car.png}};%
% define an actor
% arg : var name
% optional : x, y: coordinates of the actor
% scale: scale factor of the actor symbol
% below: distance between the actor symbol and its name below
% draw, text: colors
% style: to manage every default TikZ option
% no coords: to tell that the actor position is defined relatively
% to another node (automatically used with TikZ options above, below, left, right, below left, ...)
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/actor/.cd, x/.initial=\tikzumlDefaultX, y/.initial=\tikzumlDefaultX, scale/.initial=1, below/.initial=\tikzumlActorDefaultBelow,%
draw/.initial=\tikzumlDefaultDrawColor, text/.initial=\tikzumlDefaultTextColor,%
no coords/.is if=tikzumlactorWithoutCoords,%
no coords=false,%
\equal{\keyname}{above left}\OR%
\equal{\keyname}{above right}\OR%
\equal{\keyname}{below left}\OR%
\equal{\keyname}{below right}}{%
\IfSubStr{\keyvalue}{ of }{%
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/actor/.cd, no coords}%
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/actor/.cd, style/.append style/.expand once={\keyname}}%
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/actor/.cd, style/.append style/.expand twice={\expandafter\keyname\expandafter=\keyvalue}}%
%\errmessage{TIKZUML ERROR : in umlactor, invalid option \keyname}%
\pgfkeys{/tikzuml/actor/.cd, #1}%
x/.get=\tikzumlActorX, y/.get=\tikzumlActorY, scale/.get=\tikzumlActorScale,%
draw/.get=\tikzumlActorDrawColor, text/.get=\tikzumlActorTextColor}%
\node[tikzuml actor style, text=\tikzumlActorTextColor, font=\tikzumlDefaultFont, /tikzuml/actor/style] (\tikzumlActorNodeName) {\picturedcar{scale=\tikzumlActorScale, fill=white, draw=\tikzumlActorDrawColor, thick}};%
\node[tikzuml actor style, text=\tikzumlActorTextColor, font=\tikzumlDefaultFont, /tikzuml/actor/style] (\tikzumlActorNodeName) at (\tikzumlActorPos) {\picturedcar{scale=\tikzumlActorScale, fill=white, draw=\tikzumlActorDrawColor, thick}};%
\node[text=\tikzumlActorTextColor, font=\tikzumlDefaultFont, below=\tikzumlActorScale*\tikzumlActorBelow] at (\tikzumlActorNodeName) {\tikzumlActorName};%
% shortcuts for include and extend relation
0% or .
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