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Commit eae5660f authored by Steven Lange's avatar Steven Lange
Browse files

Kalmanfilter implementation step 1 (1/2).

parent 8ac95c4e
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// Numbers on name representing indicies
// current car state
x1: 0
x2: 0
x 2 1
// covariance matrix
p11: 10
p22: 10
P 2 2
10 0
0 10
// dynamic model
f11: 1
f12: 0.001
f21: 0
f22: 1
// process error
q11: 1
q22: 1
Q 2 2
1 0
0 1
// measure vector
h1: 1
h2: 0
H 2 1
// measurement error
r: 5
R 1 1
......@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ public:
ros::NodeHandle nh_;
std::string name_;
void readConfigFile();
float distance;
float relativeSpeed;
......@@ -38,16 +37,7 @@ private:
void ussDataCallback(const ussDataMsg::ConstPtr & inMsg);
void camDataCallback(const camDataMsg::ConstPtr & inMsg);
//Notation like in Kalamanfilter <Wikipedia>
vector<double> x {2}; // current state (distance, velocity)^T
matrix<double> P {2, 2}; // covariance matrix
matrix<double> F {2, 2}; // dynamic model
matrix<double> Q {2, 2}; // process error
vector<double> H {2}; // mesure vector (refers to distance)
vector<double> R {1}; // measurement error
void predict();
void update(vector<double> mesVec);
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
namespace car
class KalmanFilter
KalmanFilter(vector<double> x, matrix<double> P, matrix<double> F, matrix<double> Q, vector<double> H, vector<double> R, double *deltaT);
KalmanFilter(int dimension, matrix<double> F, double *deltaT, std::string configFilePath);
vector<double> nextKalmanIteration(vector <double> mesVec);
//Notation like in Kalamanfilter <Wikipedia>
vector<double> x; // current state (distance, velocity)^T
matrix<double> P; // covariance matrix
matrix<double> F; // dynamic model
matrix<double> Q; // process error
vector<double> H; // mesure vector (refers to distance)
vector<double> R; // measurement error
double *dt; // delta t
void readConfigFile(std::string configFilePath);
std::vector<std::string> getNextFileLine(std::ifstream file);
void predict();
void update(vector<double> mesVec);
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@
#include "car/environmentDataMsg.h"
#include "car/ussDataMsg.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(car::Environment, nodelet::Nodelet);
namespace car
......@@ -34,69 +30,6 @@ Environment::Environment() :
Environment::~Environment() {}
void Environment::readConfigFile()
// open config file
std::string userHome = getenv("HOME");
std::ifstream configFile; + "/CarConfig/environment.config", std::ifstream::in);
if (!configFile.is_open()) { throw FileNotFound(); }
// desired parameters
// read file
std::string contentLine;
while (!configFile.eof())
std::getline(configFile, contentLine);
// split this line
std::istringstream iss(contentLine);
std::vector<std::string> words {std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss), {} };
if ( words.size() > 1 ) // this line contains parameter[at (0)] and value [at (1)]
if ( == "x1:") {
x(0) = std::stod(;
} else if ( == "x2:"){
x(1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "p11:"){
P(0, 0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "p12:"){
P(0,1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "p21:"){
P(1,0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "p22:"){
P(1,1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "f11:"){
F(0,0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "f12:"){
F(0,1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "f21:"){
F(1,0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "f22:"){
F(1,1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "q11:"){
Q(0,0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "q12:"){
Q(0,1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "q21:"){
Q(1,0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "q22:"){
Q(1,1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "h1:"){
H(0) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "h2:"){
H(1) = std::stof(;
} else if ( == "r:"){
R(0) = std::stof(;
void Environment::onInit()
NODELET_INFO("Environment::onInit -- START");
#include "environment/KalmanFilter.h"
#include <iterator>
namespace car
KalmanFilter::KalmanFilter(vector<double> x, matrix<double> P, matrix<double> F, matrix<double> Q, vector<double> H, vector<double> R, double *deltaT)
: x(x)
, P(P)
, F(F)
, Q(Q)
, H(H)
, R(R)
, dt(deltaT)
KalmanFilter::KalmanFilter(int dimension, matrix<double> F, double *deltaT, std::string configFilePath)
: x(dimension)
, P(dimension, dimension)
, F(F)
, Q(dimension, dimension)
, H(dimension)
, R(dimension)
, dt(deltaT)
KalmanFilter::~KalmanFilter() {}
KalmanFilter::getNextFileLine(std::ifstream file)
// read a line
std::string contentLine;
std::getline(file, contentLine);
// split this line
std::istringstream iss(contentLine);
std::vector<std::string> words {std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss), {} };
return words;
KalmanFilter::readConfigFile(std::string configFilePath)
// open config file
std::string userHome = getenv("HOME");
std::ifstream configFile;, std::ifstream::in);
if (!configFile.is_open()) { throw FileNotFound(); }
// read file
std::vector<std::string> words;
while (!configFile.eof())
words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
if ( words.size() == 3 ) // this line contains parameter[at (0)] and value [at (1)]
if ( == "//") { continue; }
int rows = std::stoi(;
int cols = std::stoi(;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
if ( == "x") {
while ( i < rows )
words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
x(i) = std::stod(;
} else if ( == "P"){
while ( i < rows )
words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
while ( j < cols )
P(i, j) = std::stod(;
} else if ( == "Q"){
while ( i < rows )
words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
while ( j < cols )
Q(i, j) = std::stod(;
} else if ( == "H"){
while ( i < rows )
words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
H(i) = std::stod(;
} else if ( == "R"){
while ( i < rows )
words = getNextFileLine(configFile);
x(i) = std::stod(;
// x = F*x
// P = (F * P * F.T) + Q
KalmanFilter::update(vector<double> mesVec){
// Innovation
// y = mesVec.T, - H * x
// Residualkovarianz
// S = H * P * H.T + R
// Kalman - Gain
// K = P * H.T * S**(-1)
// update the predecited values
// x = x + K * y
// P = P - K * S * K.T
KalmanFilter::nextKalmanIteration(vector <double> mesVec)
return x;
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