- Jan 21, 2018
Phuc Tran Truong authored
- Jan 18, 2018
Noel Dan Le authored
Noel Dan Le authored
Noel Dan Le authored
Noel Dan Le authored
- Jan 17, 2018
unknown authored
- Jan 16, 2018
Phuc Tran Truong authored
Noel Dan Le authored
Phuc Tran Truong authored
- Jan 15, 2018
duc anh vu authored
Franz Bethke authored
Franz Bethke authored
Phuc Tran Truong authored
Duc Anh Vu authored
Doc testplan See merge request !1
duc anh vu authored
Phuc Tran Truong authored
duc anh vu authored
duc anh vu authored
duc anh vu authored
duc anh vu authored
Phuc Tran Truong authored
- Jan 11, 2018
Phuc Tran Truong authored
Phuc Tran Truong authored
Phuc Tran Truong authored
- Jan 08, 2018
duc anh vu authored
- Jan 05, 2018
Noel Dan Le authored
Hoop77 authored
- Jan 03, 2018
duc anh vu authored
duc anh vu authored
duc anh vu authored
- Jan 02, 2018
duc anh vu authored
- Jan 01, 2018
duc anh vu authored
- Dec 30, 2017
Steven Lange authored
Steven Lange authored
OOD draft follows the ideas written on the whiteboard. Needs now to get fill by interfaces, ROS-Nodes, Threads and anything else to get this code running.
Steven Lange authored
Reducing OOA on functional point of view and ignoring implementation details like "updateReady" or "isIdle()",
Steven Lange authored
The whiteboard drawings from software architecture were digitalized into a .tex file.
- Dec 29, 2017
Phuc Tran Truong authored
- Dec 27, 2017
Franz Bethke authored
- Dec 24, 2017
Franz Bethke authored
Added 3 more use cases: - "UC - 80 Abstandhalten": It seemed weird that "UC - 70 Fahrbahn folgen" was considered a use case, but distance keeping was not represented in any use case. One could consider deleting both use cases. - "UC - 90 Kolonnendaten ändern" and "UC - 100 Geschwindigkeit ändern" where both added, since the their functionality should not be considered part of any other use case, but is essential to the project. Modified associations: - Removed PFV from "UC - 50 Kolonne verlassen", since no PFV takes action in this use case. - Removed FV from "UC - 40 Kolonne beitreten", since no FV takes action in this use case. - "UC - 10 Status ausgeben" now only has one connection to GV instead of one to LV, FV and PFV. Modified <<include>> and <<extend>> relations: - UC - 20 now extends UC - 40, since a platoon needs to be created if the first 2 operator want to platoon. - UC - 60 now extends UC - 50 for similar reasons. - UC - 20 now includes UC - 30. Added colour coding to the diagram, to group use cases: - blue <-> core platoon stuff - green <-> input and output of the operator - red <-> critical diving Changed name of "UC - 10"
- Dec 21, 2017
Franz Bethke authored